Via Gregorio XII – 62019 Recanati (MC)
T. 071 7570410 |
The Museum “dell’Emigrazione Marchigiana” (MEMA), opened in December 2013, is situated in the ancient cellars of Villa Colloredo Mels. It is a multimedia and interactive museum, created at the behest of the Municipality of Recanati, the Marche Region, the Association “Marchigiani nel mondo” and thanks to the co-financing of the Department of Youth and the National Civil Service.
It is dedicated to all the people of the region of Marche, about seven hundred thousand, who, living in conditions of extreme poverty, came to the decision to abandon their land of origin to head towards unknown lands in search of fortune, between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
An interactive tour will be possible thanks to multimedia installations and touch screens together with descriptive panels, evocative photos and blow-ups. The visitor will be able to discover the migratory phenomenon that affected all the local people who had moved away in search of a better life. A moving journey back in time to discover the habits, customs and traditions that belong to the history of all of us.